Saturday, January 25, 2020

Big Data Applications and Overview

Big Data Applications and Overview In the past two decades, extensive progress and generation of data in information technology has led to rise in massive volume of data from different sources such as social networking, online business services, web based applications and mobile devices. The data here is in structured, semi-structured and unstructured format. Since our traditional database systems cannot handle complex unstructured data and the size which it is coming in, Big Data comes into picture. To put in simple words, the volume, velocity, veracity and variety of data is enormous. The reason behind why we are looking at these types of data to process is that it can be used to improve, analyse, develop and relate business solutions through analysis. Big data storage and processing can be achieved through variety of models available in NoSQL databases based on suitable type of data for respective models. Although there are a lot of feasible solutions obtained through data mining in Big Data, issues such as allocat ion of resources and requirement of storage device arise. Recently, data management systems are dominated by Hadoop based architecture. Online and Offline Big data Fig. Big Data Model (Goldberg, n.d.) The data generation possibilities are spread over wide spectrum in Information technology field, it can be classified into two types such as online and offline. Online data is a type of data where it is generated continuously through real time systems. For a reference, it could be live video, a banking transaction or stock exchange data. It can be referred as a data which is created, absorbed, processed and transformed in real-time in order to support ongoing applications and online users. As it is flowing in real time data abeyance must be very low and availability of data must be prompt in order to cope up with the expectations of user. (MongoDB, 2016) Fig. Online Big Data (MongoDB, 2016) Fig. Offline Big Data (MongoDB, 2016) Offline data is a type of data where the data is in static form and it can be used in offline environment to analyse but the big data technologies with suitable available tool or technology. Over here the data is not newly created but over the period of time with the help of batch jobs. In this case, latency of data can be high compared with those of online systems and hence these systems can go offline without impacting any of the users or end product. Availability of system can be of low priority, big data technologies can perform complex analysis. Existing examples of offline big data technologies are data warehouse or a storage technology which is used to accommodate bulk data as a static. (MongoDB, 2016) Scalability Although it cannot be purely categorised as failure of the RDBMS systems, it can be addressed as a trait which can be an eventual roadblock for a traditional database trying to scale out in order to handle increasing data and performance gains though hardware, storage upgrade. Even if database up gradation is planned it has to go through a time consuming process while keeping the system offline. A point where upgrading limit of a system reaches to its maximum which is imminent as per the current rate of rising data over the period of time, more flexible systems are needed to store big data in efficient way. (Allen, 2016) Recommendation Sharding is the method which can be effectively used in RDBMS by dividing data into different table and treating the tables as lookup. Scaling is not an issue in big data technologies as the databases are created in such a way that they can be expanded with cheap commodity servers. Cassandra, MongoDB, Redis are the common databases used on high scale. Economics High management As traditional database systems use proprietary servers in contrast to systems which are divided in form of clusters in big data technologies using low cost commodity server, the cost of expansion is much higher than the big data technology which can be replaced with another commodity computer system in case of failure of any one. This allows big data technologies to process and store more data for much lower price point. (Allen, 2016) In traditional database systems, management of database system is highly required and it is carried out by database administrators. Whereas, in big data technologies things for reference, adding column to table structure, permissions to particular schema are not required. (Allen, 2016) Recommendation Since at this stage of technology and data if we go by the RDBMS systems, we would need to arrange huge data capacity servers and storage in order to cope up with the data. If not, the NoSQL databases can perform complex internal data distribution, auto-correction and very less management is required to maintain the database. Hadoop is dominantly used across big web applications such as Google, Amazon. Flexible data model RDBMS systems are made in such a way where you can have predefined structure for a table and schema. Only data with the respective structure can be dealt while incoming. Whereas in big data technologies it is not mandatory to have data in a particular format as introduced above. (Allen, 2016) Recommendation Since the big data storage bases are categorised by column (Hadoop), document (MongoDB), key-value (Redis), graph (Neo4J) and so on, hence the various data types are accepted across respective open source databases (Allen, 2016) T-mobile USA As the current situation stands in telecommunication industry, data created through each device and region is very dynamic and huge. T-mobile USA has 33 million active users and that is the reason why they chose to put all this big data to its use. The rate at which users were dropping the T-mobile service was brought to half through the big data analysis. Below are few data sources used by them to achieve business objectives. Customer Data Zone: Every users likes and dislikes are used to understand and provide services based on the available data created by user. Product and Service Zone : Inspection of services availed and products used by each user is taken into consideration in order to maintain the user base satisfaction. Business Operation Zone : All the accounting and billing information stored is used to maintain (Rijmenam, 2015) (Rijmenam, 2015) Based on big data analysis done on all the above points such as Sentiment, choices and billing data for each user, churn percentage is reduced. McLaren Racing Limited McLaren is a leading formula one racing constructor. Big data scope is recently widened in this sector due to high competition. The sports utilization of such data is sophisticated to the point that a few groups are trading their insight to different enterprises where investigating gigantic measures of data in a split second can mean the distinction amongst life and death. Hundreds of sensors fit into the car body while racing export gigabytes of data during race. The data is live streamed to the team which is monitoring the various aspects of the car at same time such as heat exhaustion, engine diagnosis and track activity. The same data is then used to carry out diagnostics, analysis and strategy. Currently system used to compare and reference is SAP HANA. Due to strict Formula 1 rules there are very few team members allowed to be on the track during race time. Though that doesnt affect the analysis as the big data through sensors is made available with the delay of milliseconds across international locations for respective team from place to place (Muhammadirvan, 2016) Tesco One of the largest retailers in the world right now thriving on the offerings provided by big data. In 1995 they introduced their shopping card called as Clubcard for customers. The shopping done through the card is now used to run analysis on customers shopping behaviour, likeness for product and management of store sections. For example, data from the shopping carts offers intuitions where merchandise can be best placed near one another or which merchandise should be placed nearer to the checkouts or doorways. Due to this elaborated client insights with the Clubcard, Tescos understanding with the customers choices and liking has become more exclusive. This factors ensures them to provide personal suggestions on the beverages or food items based on data gathered from individual shopping cards. Big data is used on other few aspects such as food wastage, when we talk about the foods and supplies. Tesco receives local weather forecast data and it is linked with the upcoming food items ought to be supplied to the stores. Through the simulations and analysis, right amount of stock is moved to the stores with adequate optimization. When you are in food industry, food storage comes into consideration. Expenditure on storage facility is also a big factor that we need consider. This is compromised through the data generated by the each refrigerator across storage facility. Tesco analyses refrigerator data to cut short their bills by $ 25 million per year. As an example, refrigerator sensors in Ireland measured temperature from every 3 seconds and created 70 million data points over the period of one year. (Rijmenam, tesco-big-data-analytics-recipe-success/665, n.d.) References Allen, M. (2016). Relational Databases Are Not Designed For Scale. Retrieved from Marklogic: Goldberg, C. (n.d.). Big Data Security. Retrieved from Vormetric: MongoDB. (2016). Online vs offline big data. Retrieved from Mongodb: Muhammadirvan. (2016, September 9). 2016/09/12/mhmdirfans/. Retrieved from Rijmenam, M. v. (2015, February 15). t-mobile-usa-cuts-downs-churn-rate-with-big-data/512. Retrieved from Rijmenam, M. v. (n.d.). tesco-big-data-analytics-recipe-success/665. Retrieved from Vormetric. (n.d.). Retrieved from Thales :

Friday, January 17, 2020

Book Report: Shiver Essay

* Samuel Roth – Wolf boy, Grace’s love interest * Grace Brisbane – High school girl who was attacked by Sam’s pack as a young girl, has a strange Obsession with wolves and Sam’s love interest * Olivia – Grace’s Best friend, Bitten by a wolf & decides to turn and spend her life as a wolf * Isabel Culpeper – Jack’s sister, became their friend and keeps their secrets of being a wolf * Jack Culpeper- Turned into a wolf by Sam’s pack. Believed to be dead but keeps contact with his sister and jeopardizes the pack. * Geoffrey Beck – The human pack leader, Sam’s stepfather SUMMARY: For years, Grace has watched the wolves in the woods behind her house. One yellow eyed wolf is the one she can’t seem to live without. Meanwhile, Sam has lived two lives: In winter, the frozen woods, the protection of the pack, and the silent company of a fearless girl. In summer, a few precious months of being human, until the cold makes him shift back again. They met in a very unpredictable way, and knew that Sam was a wolf and used to be Grace’s wolf and Grace was Sam’s summer girl. They’re relationship was sealed by a kiss. They we’re inseparable. But as winter nears, Sam must fight to stay human or risk losing himself, and Grace, forever. At the end of the first story, Jack died after trying some cure, Olivia decided to be a wolf and Beck had his last year of experiencing humanity. But most of all, Sam shifted back to being a wolf and Grace was left alone and was accompanied by her new friend, Isabel.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Oedipus The King, By Sophocles - 1354 Words

The main character, Oedipus, in Sophocles’ play Oedipus The King is heroic in his search for the truth, just as scholar Bernard Knox states. Oedipus is faced with a decision: he can either seek out a potentially terrible truth, or ignore it and let the city of Thebes succumb to the plague that has befallen them. Oedipus chooses to search for the truth and does so heroically because he is doing it for his people rather than personal gain, he is transparent about new findings, and he will stop at nothing to find the truth. Oedipus cares for the people of Thebes so much that he is compelled to find the truth to save them and not just for personal gain. Oedipus and the people of Thebes have a familial bond. His love for Thebes compels him to seek out the truth. Oedipus’ familial bond with Thebes is shown in the beginning of the play when Oedipus addresses the priests who are at his altar, â€Å"Oh my children† (1). This sentiment allows readers to understand the sense of attachment Oedipus has with the people of Thebes. He cares for them enough to call them his children. The Priests address Oedipus back as, â€Å"King of the land, our greatest power† (16). It is evident that the people of Thebes look to Oedipus as their hero, especially after he had already saved them once from the Sphinx. They also view Oedipus in the same light as he views them. Their caring relationship is shown again in the beginning of the play when the Priests tell Oedipus of the plague and beg him to do someth ing.Show MoreRelatedOedipus The King By Sophocles848 Words   |  4 PagesOedipus the King, written by Sophocles, follows the tragic story of a king named Oedipus who goes from an all-powerful ruler to a hopeless blind peasant. Oedipus the King was written as a play and performed in front of an audience. Sophocles shows in Oedipus the King that one cannot escape the fate of the gods. Throughout the play Oedipus struggles to find a solution and change all the troubles in his life. The play observes the story of Oedipus who defies the gods and through the journey experiencesRead MoreSophocles Oedipus The King884 Words   |  4 PagesKing of Thebes, owner of a family tree that identically resembles Medusa on a bad hair day, and the inspiration for a psychologically-riveting complex, Oedipus, tragic hero of Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, exposes troubling truths about the human condition and, acting as an exemplary precaution for the entirety of humanity, demonstrates how a self -destructive struggle between love, anger, and fate, conveyed through an unorthodox love affair between mother and son (Who gets custody in a divorce?),Read MoreSophocles Oedipus The King1714 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"ideal tragedy† is the play â€Å"Oedipus the King† written by Sophocles. In this play, Sophocles utilizes the concept of tragedy as well the theory of the importance of scenes of recognition and reversal to create a setting, tone, and mood throughout the play. Oedipus, the mythical king of Thebes, goes through a horrendous tragedy which includes moments of recognition and reversal. These moments are key to the fame and appreciation for the play, â€Å"Oedipus the King†. Sophocles’ use of Aristotle’s conceptsRead MoreOedipus The King By Sophocles950 Words   |  4 PagesThe people throughout Oedipus’ life trues very hard to allow him to escape his fate of killing his father and then marrying his mother. In the epic poem Oedi pus the King, Sophocles tells the story of the tragic downfall of Oedipus. Although many people see the role of free will that brought upon Oedipus’ doom, no matter what choices were made throughout his life, his ultimate fate would always return. The choices made at the beginning of Oedipus’ life set him up to fulfill his prophecy. His parentsRead MoreSophocles Oedipus The King992 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout tragedies in Greek literature, the hero always has one tragic flaw. In Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, Oedipus’ main flaw is his overactive hubris, which in turn clouds his overall judgment. This is evident in the Chorus’ first ode to the city of Thebes as they try to ask the Gods for the banishment of the plague. Their answer does not come from a deity, but from Oedipus himself as he enters the palace and says, â€Å"You have prayed; and you prayers shall be answered with help and release ifRead MoreOedipus the King by Sophocles1393 Words   |  6 Pages Sophocles’ play, Oedipus the King, has risen many questions concerning the main character and whether or not he acts on free will or if his future is predestined by the gods. I am going to test the theory that although Oedipus believes he is acting on his own free will, he is in fact a victim of the gods. I will analyze several different sources that discuss fate and human agency in Oedipus the King and then proceed to build my original argument on the archaic debate. There has been a great dealRead MoreOedipus The King By Sophocles904 Words   |  4 Pages In Sophocles play â€Å"Oedipus the King† a deadly plague has descended upon the kingdom of Thebes, and because of this plague a dark and iniquitous secret begins to unravel itself only to reveal a web of events connecting Oedipus and others as the culprits behind all the havoc ensued. No one is the sole source responsible for the unfortunate events that befall Thebes, as well as the royal family; In fact, those who unknowingly paved the path of destruction were themselves trying to prevent it fromRead MoreSophocles Oedipus The King Essay1960 Words   |  8 Pages This would have been excellent advice for the main character in Sophocles drama, Oedipus the King. However, the drama was written as a result of Sophocles life and the influence of the humanistic culture in which he lived. Throughout Sophocles life, he gained military knowledge as the son of a wealthy armor manufacturer and received an excellent Greek education with emphasis on Homeric poetry (textbook). Furthe rmore, Sophocles was very involved in politics and served as a treasurer, a generalRead MoreSophocles Oedipus The King871 Words   |  4 PagesThe plays written by Sophocles, â€Å"Oedipus the King â€Å"and â€Å"Antigone† are bodies of work displayed the meaning of what Aristotle defined as a tragedy. â€Å"Oedipus the King† is a story of a king trying to avoid the fate of his life that has been prophesized before his birth. In â€Å"Antigone† is story of a girl who devoted to her family, and regardless of the orders made the king Creon. In these stories the archetypes and hamartia of Antigone and Oedipus play a major role in the story. In â€Å"Antigone† the characterRead MoreOedipus The King, By Sophocles1407 Words   |  6 PagesWhen we think about a tragic play or protagonist, most people would think Shakespeare for his common theme of his plays to end with a tragedy. In Oedipus the King, written by Sophocles, tells the tale of the protagonist Oedipus. Throughout the play, Oedipus searched for his past to discover the reason why his kingdom is plagued with wilting crops and illnesses. In the end, he becomes a tragic protagonist after discovering his past was related to the previous king’s death. While the search progressed

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Poetry vs. Prose A Killer Topic - 734 Words

It started with an argument between which is better, poetry or prose, and it ended with a knife. On January 20, 2014, a Russian man was stabbed to death in the Sverdlovsk region over an argument of which is better, poetry or prose. Poetry and prose have various common aspects, though it is their differences that make each unique in how they are loved. There seem to be three types of people in the world, those who love poetry and hate prose, those who love prose and despise poetry, and the mediators that love both. There is no in between opinions in this matter. Although poetry and prose are undeniable different in their use of language, format, and structure, I found that their differences are what makes them both so beautiful in their own unique way. Poetry and prose use language to express the feeling they are trying to convey very differently. Poetry is a form of literary art in which the language used to bring vivid images to the reader’s mind and has a designed to have a very pleasing appearance in addition to the meaning of the poems. On the other hand, prose is the most quintessential form of language and is very straightforward. Poetry has a beautiful rhythmical composition to it, exciting pleasure by beautiful, creative, or even whimsical thoughts while prose is written without the metrical structure that distinguishes it from poetry. The language of poetry tends to be more expressive or brightened with comparisons, rhyme, and rhythm which all contributes to aShow MoreRelatedLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pages.............................................................................. 299 CHAPTER 10 Deductive Reasoning .......................................................................................... 312 x Implying with Certainty vs. with Probability ................................................................................ 312 Distinguishing Deduction from Induction ..................................................................................... 319 Review of Major